August 12, 2011

Amy's Cabaret Show 40th Birthday Cake!

Allo all!

This cake was a group project for me! My friend and co-worker Keith Davis is good friends with Amy Armstrong--a well known Chicago cabaret singer who I've seen twice now--she's absolutely incredible and hilarious, and was having a 40th birthday concert at the Mayne Stage. I was overjoyed to work on this cake for her in exchange for tickets to her show. There was an after party with around 75 people, so we also made three different flavors of mini cupcakes for the event, along with this cake. Amy had mentioned to us her favorite flavors and colors-which we incorporated wonderfully thanks to Keith's cake recipes. The cake was a very rich, chocolaty cake with 5 layers of caramel butter cream filling. Covered in my marshmallow fondant and ALL edible decorations. We went half-sies with the topper. I worked on the piano and Keith made Amy. :o]

All in all the show was amazing, Amy loved her cake, the guests loved (and devoured) the cupcakes, and it was a fun little cake to work on in good company.

Happy Birthday Amy!

Till next time!

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