March 21, 2011

Big Tasting- MO' Petites

This tasting had a LOT of components. The usual-we needed less than 10 pieces of each pastry, but with so many different options--there's a whole lot of work to get er done!

There we're some plated desserts too.. whoops! No pictures. :o[

On another note- I started doing bread order at work! Control your excitement, please!
What a complete mind-trip. As simple as the daily process of ordering bread may seem, this is so... so very wrong. I am currently dealing with the frightening combination of dozens upon dozens of different types of bread, two different bread companies, needing to know item numbers and quantities they come in, what the bread looks like-and worst of all--knowing WHEN to bring the bread in. But I wont bore you further with the details..
THANKFULLY I have a wonderful teacher, my coworker Keith, who will most likely murder me in the back room sometime soon as I am asking so many questions--but, in the meant time-- thank youuu!
Its simply something you need to just do over and over again till you get the hang out it, but until then--yikes!

Till next time!

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