November 7, 2011

Lions, Macaws and Giraffes-Oh My!

These little guys were for a little guys birthday party! A returning client of mine wanted a cake to go along with the figurines, but with a crazy work schedule that week we had to work out a compromise and went with a collection of toppers that she could add to any cake she wished!
THIS is my favorite part of what I do... the small, over detailed, meticulous aspect of cake decorating. I tried not to go too detailed since they're so cartoon-y (and F.A.T), but for the life of me I could never call these guys finished without indenting and filling in their insignificant little ears. I could do this all day long. This little project reminded me of a cake I did a while back for a returning client of mine, where everything on it was little intricately decorated pieces on top of a simple background. It was an 8" cake covered in blue fondant and a white ribbon. Nothing crazy. Then I got to the top, where I happily spent two long nights making a little record player, hand painted books, a television with the "24" logo painted on it etc, etc... Man oh man, is that the bees knees.

Traditional wedding cakes are fun and all, but at the end of the day I'd love nothing more than to make a little super mario guy to put on top.

Till next time <3

Some Recent Thangs..

A few cakes have gone down in the last couple months...
Lets see, first off was a cake for a 50th birthday party. It was Harley Davidson themed and I took the order from a friend at my catering company. I unfortunately don't have any good pictures of the cake as I was a complete moron and rushed out the door before I got the chance- all in all though it went over really well with the client. The cake was GIGANTIC. It wasn't that way because of the guest count, more for the look. Nicole (client) wanted it to make a dramatic appearance to her dad when he arrived at the party. It was about 2 ft wide and 1 foot tall. The cake was hand carved around a cactus plant, covered in bright orange fondant, and had a black 'paved' road along the top. Nicole had given me a collectible (aaaand pricey!) Harley model that she wanted to put on the road. I slapped some classic orange and black flames around the side and the cake was ready for a party!

Next cake was for a wedding at a beautiful outdoor reception. The brides' parents house was on at least an acre of land in the more remote area of Elgin. I have a friend who lives in that area as well.....and it's unbelievable; you start off driving through down town Elgin with all the shopping malls, houses back to back and people walking everywhere, and you instantly find yourself surrounded by wooded areas, gigantic old houses and acre upon acre of empty fields. I always double take, thinking I've driven past the Wisconsin border.
ANYHOO..the cake! Right..
After getting cold feet on a few of the other designs she picked out, the bride decided on an elegant and simple design for her wedding cake---a glossy white fondant covering, hand piped scrolling along the top of each tier, and scarlet ribbon borders. We went very simple with the cake and filling choices as well, where the cake was a vanilla brown sugar cake with a vanilla butter cream filling. Congratulations!

This cute little cake was for a 14th birthday party! My client specified that she loved hot pink and zebra stripes, sparkles and chocolate. We went with the ever so popular vanilla brown sugar cake, and a milk chocolate mousse filling.
Happy Birthday!


As you can plainly see, the new logo is (and has been for a while... -cough) up and running!
I fall more in love with its simplicity every time I look at it. Its bubbly, which is right up my alley, and it's not over the top (also right up my alley, thank god I didn't design it myself?).

The winter season is coming up, and hours at the day job will be diminishing. This means a second job, and hopefully getting some new marketing plans up and running for BellaTiers for the new year!

Till next time <3