October 6, 2009

Sugar Piece Final!

Hey everyone--
Sorry its been a while since i blogged... my internship has kept me really busy and I rarely find time to work on BellaTiers business unfortunately. :[

My last class (chocolate and sugar work) had a final of a sugar show piece. We had a basic design that everyone had to follow with the exception of the number of flowers, small design details and color choices. I made a ton of yellow sugar roses, which i absolutely love to do, and decided to make the base of the piece a deep green. I love how it turned out.

On a side note: the Packers need to hire me.

You literally had to choose a side with chocolate and sugar. I love working with both but I loved sugar so much more. I feel like you have to have a true passion for chocolate work to be great at it, no strings attached.

You literally burn off all the feeling in your hands when you work with sugar.. but the outcome makes it all worth while.

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