October 6, 2009

The Internship!

I've been interning at Alliance Bakery in Wicker Park for the past two months and its been great. I absolutely love going to work everyday. The people I get to hang around with are incredible and hard working and I have a great time standing for 12 hours. :D
I started out in the cake room for the first couple weeks and got to make a three tier cake for a client of theirs. I decorated an unfathomable amount of sugar cookies and worked with a few store cakes.

Since then I've been working in the kitchen and, to my surprise, I love it. I was afraid when I started that I would get bored or buckle underneath the pressure of all the production they do in the kitchen, but its exactly the opposite. There's never a dull moment, I'm always laughing about something and I've found an interest for things i didn't expect to. I get to work on everything from cake and cookie batters to doughs, icings, Ganache's, mousses and fillings.

I'm so glad that I've had the privilege to work in such a place, and its going to be really hard to walk out of there for the last time next month. I've met a lot of really funny and interesting people and seen a lot of beautiful work made and walked out the door.
I hope my next job is just as fulfilling.


Sugar Piece Final!

Hey everyone--
Sorry its been a while since i blogged... my internship has kept me really busy and I rarely find time to work on BellaTiers business unfortunately. :[

My last class (chocolate and sugar work) had a final of a sugar show piece. We had a basic design that everyone had to follow with the exception of the number of flowers, small design details and color choices. I made a ton of yellow sugar roses, which i absolutely love to do, and decided to make the base of the piece a deep green. I love how it turned out.

On a side note: the Packers need to hire me.

You literally had to choose a side with chocolate and sugar. I love working with both but I loved sugar so much more. I feel like you have to have a true passion for chocolate work to be great at it, no strings attached.

You literally burn off all the feeling in your hands when you work with sugar.. but the outcome makes it all worth while.