June 25, 2009

Ladybug Baby Cake!

Hey everyone!

Last weekend I had a really cute order from a former photography teacher of mine from high school. Her little girl was turning one and the theme for the party was ladybugs. She wanted a big pink flower adorned with little ladybug and a little cake for the baby to tear up.

I love making individual cakes. I think they might be my favorite order to get.. and i was so excited to make a little ladybug.

The tricky thing to these cakes was the shaping. Its truly a scary thing to shape the actual cake because if you mess up its a crazy mess to put it back together, or do it all over again. The ladybug started out as a simple two-layer 4" circle mini cake that I rounded. The flower cake for the guests was a flat flower to begin with and i wanted to give it some shape. With a shaky hand I cut out each of the petals. I think that's the best lesson I've learned from my business-Go with your intuition and take chances, you can fix anything if you need to and it will most likely come out fantastic, and most importantly you never know what you can do until you try.

So after they were shaped I filled them with a vanilla pastry cream, masked the cakes with a vanilla butter cream and covered them in fondant. I started making all the little ladybugs and finishing the detail work with the flower an baby cake. Twas a long night!

Everything came out great and the customer was happy, job well done!

Much love,